Advanced Task Dependencies and Lead and Lag times in Pftw - Corporate Project Solutions

Advanced Task Dependencies and Lead and Lag times in Pftw

Date Published 07/02/2024
Author Nathan Mak
Category Technology

In case you didn’t know..Project for the Web has advanced task dependencies and task lead and lag times! 

Microsoft has added 3 additional advanced dependencies in Project for the Web: Start-to-Start (SS), Finish-to-Start (FS), and Finish-to-Finish (FF)! These are a great new addition to the ever-growing scheduling features that Project for the Web has to offer.  

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Here is a summary of the types of dependencies that you can create in Project for the Web: 

  • Finish-to-Start (FS): This type of dependency means that the first task cannot finish until the second task starts. 
  • Start-to-Start (SS): This type of dependency means that the first task cannot start until the second task starts. 
  • Finish-to-Finish (FF): This type of dependency means that the first task cannot finish until the second task finishes. 
  • Start-to-Finish (SF): This type of dependency means that the first task cannot start until the second task finishes. 


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Not only that, but just recently Microsoft have also added the ability to add lead time (i.e. allows for tasks to overlap or start before their predecessors are completed) and lag time (i.e. introduces a delay between tasks, allowing for a controlled or mandated waiting period before the successor task can begin). 

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Project for the Web’s advanced task dependencies and task lead or lag time can be a powerful tool for managing your schedule.  

By carefully planning your dependencies, you can ensure that your projects stay on track and that tasks are completed in the correct order. 

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Nathan Mak
Nathan Mak
MWM Consultant

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