Successfully Migrating to SharePoint Online - Corporate Project Solutions

Successfully Migrating to SharePoint Online

Date Published 27/07/2021
Author Veronique Lengelle
Category Technology

There are many reasons for migrating to SharePoint Online; one of the driving factors in the decision-making process can be acknowledging that “something” is amiss in the current environment. Some other factors and situations that can bring forth an increasingly need to change such as your organisations' use of an on-premises version of SharePoint that’s soon out of support may include the introduction of new productive features for SharePoint Online, difficulties with maintaining an on-premises infrastructure, or maybe search functions are not correctly configured. It always an absolute nightmare to find important files.

When starting a migration journey, it is a common misconception that “SharePoint migrations are pretty straight-forward”.

There are many reasons for migrating to SharePoint Online and many things to consider when the “idea” of a SharePoint migration springs to mind. It’s not just about the volume to be migrated, nor only the type of files anymore.

Regardless of the reason, every SharePoint migration needs to be thoroughly planned and executed. CPS aims to help you along the way to provide the best experience possible during this important transformation.


The first step on this journey is to analyse the current environment. It doesn’t stop at SharePoint on-premises. What about file shares or external systems? Discovery should at least hold two phases:

  • High-Level Analysis
  • In-Depth Analysis

Each phase has a specific purpose to gradually understand how things are organised and how content is used. It also allows for getting each team’s vision as to what is and isn’t working well, priorities, and what can and cannot be migrated (i.e. customisations), to ultimately translate those needs in the future platform.


Every aspect needs to be planned as much as possible, both technical and non-technical, for example, cleansing the current environment, or simply making sure you have the appropriate people and hardware. Migrating to a new environment is the opportunity to start afresh, bringing only the relevant information across.

Another crucial aspect is Risks. What are they? Can my SharePoint on-premises go down during the migration? Yes, it’s possible. Those risks have to be captured with an associated mitigation plan.

Time is often a contributing factor to a problematic migration, while the goal is to have a better end solution to help the organisation be more productive. Whenever possible, the room should be left for any hurdles along the way. The time spent in planning is always valuable to leave no stone unturned.


Thinking about your new environment is as crucial as knowing what’s in the current one. The design phase is a detailed approach to talk about the new structure. How many sites should we have? Do we want to keep all those nested folders? What are we going to do with custom code that might not be supported in SharePoint Online? Who will be the Site Owners? What site designs will be needed? How will the provisioning process be handled?

Things have changed in SharePoint Online compared to the on-premises versions. We have Microsoft 365 Groups, integration with other services like Microsoft Teams and the Power Platform, and making your data secure with Security and Compliance.

There are so many questions to be answered before hitting the migration switch. At CPS, we help organisations answer those questions by providing expertise and best practices.


You are migrating to a collaboration platform. So, it’s essential to collaborate now! Creating a roadmap might help your users understand what’s coming and when and how they can adjust to the “New Ways of Working”. Don’t set the organisation up to fail by telling them on Friday at 4.00 pm that Monday is THE day to use SharePoint Online. Why not set up a site where employees can track progress and the current status? That might help.

Users are the primary drivers for adoption, and we aim for them to be as confident as possible.

When it’s finally time to run a migration, the first one should be a test run. Observe the results, and remediate if necessary until the desired outcome is achieved. If discovery, planning and design have been reasonably thought through, remediation should be minor.

There are a few factors that can impact the performance of a migration. For example, throttling when making many requests to SharePoint Online or migrating during work hours when users are utilising both SharePoint environments.

Once you’re satisfied with the test run, migrate a medium-size site but with the intent to keep it live afterwards. This pilot migration allows assessing the migration report for live data and gathering feedback from users, as maybe something wasn’t highlighted during the test run.

Other ways to check if a migration has been successful could be to cross-check as much as possible, depending on volumes. This process could be manual or scripted. For “lift & shift” migrations, we could compare a few or all sites. Have they been created as the tool says they have? Do we have the same number of documents in the target library as in the on-premises environment?

We could randomly search for specific documents for more complex migrations with larger volumes, using refiners or advanced search queries. This might highlight a pattern where a site has in fact not been migrated correctly.

Change and Adoption

There’s no denying that Digital Transformation is a big step. And COVID-19 has created such a disruption worldwide that organisations realised they couldn’t continue to work the old way. Microsoft 365 offers a set of tools and services that can improve efficiency and productivity. CPS focuses on successfully delivering the desired business outcomes while sharing our expertise for the platform to be fully adopted and utilised effectively.

Training users should not be neglected, but what has to come out of it all is value. This value will ultimately improve organisations’ objectives and maximise ROI.

To find out more about Microsoft SharePoint and how it can work in your organisation, contact us


Veronique Lengelle
Veronique Lengelle
Solution Architect

Veronique is a dual Microsoft MVP for SharePoint and PowerShell. With over 10 years of experience working with Microsoft 365, Veronique loves sharing her knowledge for organisations to make the most of the platform and be as productive as possible.

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